Flu vaccinations at school

Vaccination is the most important thing we can do to protect ourselves and our children against disease. Flu is a viral infection and can potentially cause serious disease and for some people having the flu can be very serious, resulting in a stay in hospital.

To help prevent this, children and young people in Reception to Year 9 are offered a flu vaccination at school (except where contra-indicated). The vaccine is safe, offers protection to your child and reduces the risk of spreading this virus to your wider household and community.

Most children can have the nasal spray vaccine; and although it contains porcine gelatine it has been approved for use by the British Fatwa Council and has also been accepted as kosher. If you would prefer, however, non-porcine flu vaccine is available to children on request. This vaccination is an injection given in the arm.

If your child has not had the vaccine and you would like them to, or you would like to talk to someone about the vaccination, please call Intrahealth on 0333 3583 397. You can also find information about the child flu vaccine at nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/child-flu-vaccine

Date published: 29th May, 2023
Date last updated: 29th May, 2023